Monday, October 8, 2007

Macie's New Hair clips

I get into these little addictive patterns where I buy a lot of one thing. It is ALMOST an obsession, say almost because I am not yet willing to admit that it is a problem :) What I do is i'll buy lots of hair products, or canned food, or shoes or whatever. Even though I have plenty of canned corn, everytime I go to the store I will buy more canned corn. I have to get more. It is a wird little thing I do I guess...seriously this is turning out to be a long long story for such simple pictures!

Anyways my addiction this time is hair bows, and clips. I can't even begin to think what I have spent on hair stuff for Moo Moo but these little clips are totally adorable. I got them at Chloe in Style the link is in the sidebar under Shopping------>

Oh and that chair...I picked that beauty up at the Brigham City DI! Saaaweet! :)

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

Cute clips. You may want to check out this site too. She has really cute things.