Sunday, April 6, 2008

A New Song

Macie loves to sing, she makes up all of these cute little songs that she sings around the house. Her little songs get stuck in my head all day and they make me laugh! The other day I was getting in the shower with her and she noticed that I had not shaved my nether regions in quite some time, TMI I know. She looked at me and said you need to shave, I said something about not having time to shave. She proceeded to sing me a song....
"Shave your pee pee, shave your hairy pee pee....
shave your pee pee, your hairy hairy pee pee
sha-a-a-a-a-a-a-ve yo-o-o-our pep pep pep pep pepeeeeee!"
It is becoming a hit in our home. You should here it LIVE it is amazing!


JC Photography said...

So I am laughing so hard right now i'm crying. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angee Leishman said...

That is so funny! I bet you were dying laughing!

Unknown said...

So the song going through my head is "Laser your pee pee, Laser your pee pee, then you won't have to shave, won't have to shave..." The tune is to "are you sleeping" or "Frere Jaques".

Jod Jas Curtis said...

lAUgHIng Hysterically :) She is just like my boys & their sweet songs. Luckily they don't shower w/ me-- heheheeee. You gotta get a Brazillian :)

Mom of Mix Kids said...

I can't stop laughing at that one!!!

Brandi said...

Kell-hey, it's Brandi i got your blog from Jodi's darling of course!!! Ok, that is the funniest thing i have heard in a long time!!!! I am sitting here laughing!! Kids say the darndest things!!!!!!!!LOL!!! See ya next week!!