Saturday, April 26, 2008

I do have another child...

He plays baseball too.... This is Kasers first yr with machine pitch and he is getting a little discourage that he hasn't hit that home run he has been expecting. :)
Macie is asking for a kiss threw the fence...look at his expression, "umm yeah right!"

I sware I don't post a lot of Kase, he just is not as fun :).
Plus he really really hates pictures, I need to learn how to relax when I do my own kids pictures.


JC Photography said...

I love his expression when Macie asks him for a kiss. Priceless. I so wish I lived closer. I would love to go to his games too!!!! UGH. Why don't you move up here. We have lots of room on our farm!!

Mom of Mix Kids said...

Love the Kaser too. He's a cutie.

Jod Jas Curtis said...

Kase is adorable too :) He is ALL Boy-- I know what that's like. Their expectations of sports surpasses any girls, on life! We'll get our kids together after this CraZy WeeKend.

The King Family said...

Go Kase! He looks so cute - love the one where he is getting ready to hit the ball. AND, yes, we know you have another child. Good luck today at your booth - I hope I can come!.....AND, you never called me when you got home.