Cmas was.... well disappointing. Bring on the Debbie downer post...prepare yourself for some bitching...or stop reading :)
I was so disappointed in Macie , she complained the whole time. She didn't get everything she asked for, Santa is not real, Dad didn't even buy her anything ....that was so rude. REALLY? The only two things she didn't get was a motor scooter and a cell phone.
well lets think about this....she takes off all the time. really this girl walks out of the house and disappears all the time, she spent the last 2 months before Cmas grounded and even then, I had to go searching for her more then 7 times. A Motor Scooter would be the worst thing to get her. Nice try sweetheart.
A cell phone? She cant keep track of anything, and she is SEVEN! Who is she going to call?
and Justin spent all night making her a closet for her doll clothes. Who the eff cares if he didn't BUY it? brat. She should be sent to Haiti...I am not kidding I was so mad even Justin was telling me to calm down and the hubby doesn't say a lot to me about my moodiness so apparently I was over the top.
Every Yr I have made sure my kids are aware of other families in need. I let them pick out a toy or we pick a family...something so the spirit of giving is in thier mind. This year I let it slip and even tho I am mad at Macie I fee responsible for her actions....I am raising spoiled kids. suck.
So minus Macie , we all had a good time. Here they are before the girl drama....

This one is priceless to me. Justin has a difficult relationship with Kase and he tries so hard for his approval. This meant more to Kase then Justin even knows.

Cute bear bums

Mac getting into his stocking :)

My Boys...Kase drew Mac a picture for cmas. I love my tenderhearted lil' guy.

Mac-sucker with the wrapper on, checking out his "singamagig"

his new toys were not as entertaining as the older kids stuff. He didn't want to open a thing :)

1 comment:
Those r the cutesr PJ's ever! Sorry your daughter was being a stinker.
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