Wednesday, July 15, 2009


yep that is a sure sign that I am preggo.
Yeah.... I should be soo happy, jumping for joy that I am pregnant (we have tried for 3 yrs) BUT right now I am not really enjoying this little creature that is making me MISERABLE! Pregnancy are unfortunately extremely hard on me, I am sick the majority or the time, I am very moody, unstable and not fun to be around. (maybe that is why Justin took off to Texas)
Yes this post isnt all about happy things, and I am sure sometime in October I will be feeling a little less but until then....
Don't ask me if I am STILL sick...I will yell at you.
Don't send my kids home after 10 mins and say they have played long enough at your house when your kids have played at mine for over 4 hours.
Don't comment about my house...offer to clean it ...hehehe ...kidding
Don't talk to me about touchy subjects (ie gay rights, the LDS church, working mothers) I mostly likely will say things that will make us no longer friends.
and most importantly don't be offended when I don't return calls or texts...I just want to be left alone...and possibly be brought dinner every once in a while ;)


Jami said...

Oh, Kellie. You make me laugh. Really, though, I am sorry that you are so miserable. Just could be could be stuck in the hospital! I dread getting pregnant again. Oh, the things we do for our children...

Melanie and Curtis said...

Congrats! That is so exciting. How fun for Macie and Kase!

Rachel said...

I so wish I was still down there. I wonder how you are doing every day but I don't want to call cause I hope you are getting a nap! hehe! I have my fingers crossed for you that things will get better sooner than later. I miss you TONS. Call if you ever want to vent. Or, if you want to run away, you always have a place here! I love ya!

SarahC said...

I feel for you sister. Be as mean as you want, you deserve to be. I think being pregnant is the worst thing in the world (I have two weeks left in this one & I have been a tyrrant the past 9 months). Hang in there! Congrats!

Summer said...

Yeah!!! Your preggers! Congrats! I so know how you feel...that's pretty much how I was feeling 9 months ago:) I wish I were there to watch your kids for 4 hours and cook you up some yummy food.

Just keep posting on your blog about the due date and how your doing so we won't bother you:) Love you and congrats!!

Stephanie said...

Im soooooo sorry that your so sick. If I lived by you I would make you dinner. I hope you feel better soon. My sister is Prego too and she takes some kind of pill cuz she barfs so much I will find out what it is if you would like. love your guts!

bows and more said...

Kellie I am so sorry that being pregnat is so dang hard on you! I just hope you know that I have been thinking of you, I would love to bring you dinner. What sounds good??? I know that only certian things will do. Let me know! Love you! (( HUGS )) Kelsi

Staci said...

Congratulations Kellie! That is such great news about a new little one. Sorry about the barfing part. I would love to bring you dinner... seriously. Does next week work? Let me know. I'm just down the street if you need ANYTHING!

Jod Jas Curtis said...

Ah my Kel :) I miss you so much! I wish you could just send your kids over & they could have sleepovers- our kids love each other... put them on a plane & I'll take em' -BUT I want you out here too! :) Pregnancy sucks a mean one, I don't care who you are- even those chicks that say they "love" being prego--haha who are they kidding? Yes it will be worth it, but you can vent to me whenever you want, I understand.
Can't wait, you guys make some cute kiddos.

The Jensen's said...

I have the same problem when I am prego I am TO SICK TO MOVE. ha ha But i did find a prenatal that worked for me and all my friends its truly amazing! If you want you can ask your DR about it its call Premisis I probaly spelled it wrong its said just how i spelled it. The stuff is a mazing ! I promise I was alot better when i took that one! How this helps a bit

Mom of Mix Kids said...

Oh Kell, I SO understand your feelings...had them myself. Not fun.