I had to get an ultrasound to figure out my due date....I love getting the early peaks at the baby it is always fun. He/she looks like a cute little thing hun?
So this is putting my due date on January 11th and makes me 14 weeks along. I thought I was due in February so that is good...earlier is always better :) and that explains why my tummy is so huge!
Thanks for every one's kind words! We are very excited...its been along time since we've had a baby in our house!

Of all of your beautiful photographs, I think this one might be the best. Congratulations to you and your little family:)
Oh my heck kel! So cute! I am so glad you put that up! And if we move closer we could do a big production bday for grace and your little babe! Now that would be one AWESOME party!! Love ya!
Yay-- can't wait to see the newest cutest Larsen babe! Love your guts..
You are due like a wk after my sis! Im soooo happy for you! Babies are such a blessing! love ya and hope you feel better soon!
Hip Hip Hooray!! I'm due Jan 10th, but I get to have my c-section on Jan 3rd....I'm going to push for Jan 1st so I can have one of the first baby's of the year and get all the free perks!! We find out today what we are having and I'm TOTALLY excited!! I REALLY want a boy, but I think its a girl. What do you guys want? Do you even find out or do you let it be a surprise?? P.S. I'm taking your frames to my sister's house this week. Sorry non of them sold, I did 5 boutiques and non of them sold. I think maybe they are a little too expensive?? I don't know. Congrats!!!!
Congrads! We are very excited for you and your family. Babies are so much fun! We wish you the best !
Congrats Kel! So excited for you. Hope you feel better soon. Loves.
Congratulations! We are exited for you, and we would love to baby sit any time. My kids LOVE babies, and we need to baby sit so we don't have to do it ourselves! :D
I bet this baby is going to have the cutest freakin' pictures around!!! Hope your feeling good mama!!
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