So I had one of my favorite clients ask if I could get a duck for a session we were doing over easter weekend. Oddly enough, I have a fabulous friend that does an amazing easter party full of baby duck, chicks and bunnies. So I barrowed the duck from her, my kids grew completely attached to the cuter little thing (kase sleep with her all night) In the morning the kids got excited about their easter baskets and she accidentally got stepped on. Macie brought her in to me and she was lookin like her little neck was broke. We set her down and she fell over and started freakin out. I picked her up and I lost it. I bawled for a good 20 mins, I bawled so hard that it scared the kids and they both started crying. Justin finally had to take the duck away from me becuase he thought I was having a mental break down!!!
I know I am an overly emotional person, but the lack of sleep and being sick had completely wiped me out! The duck was fine and these were actually taken after all the drama. I seriously need more sleep :)
Those pictures are sooo cute. But on my, that is quite the duck story. I totally would have sat there and cried right along with you! Poor little duck. I'm glad it survived and you saved it's life...twice(you know what I'm talking about)
Adorable pictures Kel! What an adorable little duck. And I am glad he is okay...I would have been bawling like a baby too. But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger...so he is just one tough little duck! So in a way your family is just a bunch of heroes!
I am so sorry that happened i would of totally freaked out too. I am glad the duck was ok and the pictures are so cute!
OH NO! I can only imagine how that situation was for all involved.
LOVE the pics, they are truely adorable!
Love the bandaids!
That is so funny but sad. I would have been freaking out too!! I love the pictures.
I sooooo had to be talked out of this this year (ie: husband said no) and Halston/I wanted one or two..or three to have as pets..I am so unbelievably Jealous of you!!
These turned out great!! :)
CRAZY! That is hilarious. LOVE the pictures - they are so dang cute. I love the one with the duck in between her legs.
Love the pics- Macie is adorable w/ that lil duckie & I'm glad he didn't go towards the light! Tuff little guy :)
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