4-I am deathly afraid of aliens, not kidding. Just looking for pictures scared the crap out me!
11-i always thought i would be that mom that had fresh back cookies when my kids got home from school
14-I was convinced I would never be that kind of homemaker, but soon realized that it doesn't matter, it dosn't make me a better person
19-I am a perfectionist but only in certain areas of my life
20-I have had to learn to let things go (see post 12)
21- I had a 2.1 GPA in High School
22-I somehow made it into college
23-I don't learn like most people
24-I am a very visual person
25-I learned myself
photoshop and photography on my own. I read like crazy, ask
tonz of questions for over 4 years and I still feel like I have scratched the surface of both,
26- I can not spell, sometimes I think that part of my brain didn't develop
27- It bugs when people point out my
mis-spellings...especially on something that can't be changed...I don't want to know about it, it will just bugged me.
28-I am a DO-er, I don't usually talk about something I find away to do it
29- I love to read, I never have time

30- I am obsessed with the Twilight books, I had to listen to them while working on the computer.
31-I love people
32-I love kids I am a total kids person, It seems kids flock to me too...it's weird. We always have neighborhood kids at our house, & my friends kids are all my little buddies! I think I get that from my Daddy
33-I can get a kid to tell me pretty much anything about their parents, it has made for some great stories.
34-I am extremely open about body parts, & sex stuff with my kids.
35-I shower with my kids still...remember
Macie's song?
36-I have friends who's kids have never seen them
neeecked....i think they are weird :)

37-I didn't know my own parents had sex till I was 12 or 13
38-I am afraid of heights
39-Yet I have bungee jumped and road that freaky coaster on top of the stratosphere in Vegas---thanks heather!
40-I am easily addicted to things
41-We have 4 pets right now...a cat (stray that liked our house), two lizards, a fish.
42-I almost bought a turtle and a lizard this week43-I brought a lizard with me to school when I was younger and it sat in my hair all day long
44-I have huge front teeth and
squinty eyes
45-Photographers always seem to notice that my eyes disappear when I smile and they try to suggest I open them more. Not getting any bigger
46-I am 5'9 and I wish I was just a little bit taller
47-I know how to clog, I wore a awaesome petticoat costume and clog at Lagoons' National Competitions. I think I won a couple trophies to show off my awesomeness.
48- I go threw a pack of sticky notes every two weeks, I keep that company in business.
49- I love to rock climb
50- I hate to run
51- I am a procrastinater
52- and a planner...how does that work?
53-I work very well under pressure
54-I have lost almost 20 lbs :)
55-I have a severe body complex
56-I use to be anorexic (in high school)
57-My mom once said that I had the "fat genes"
58-I am by far the largest person in my family and I hate it
59-but I am the only one that has good sized natural boobies
60-My favorite person in the world was my grandma, she died right after
Macie was born
61-She was the only adult female in my life who knew me, no judgements, patients, understanding, she was the only one I could talk to
62-I consider her my second mom, she helped raised us when my parents got divorced.
63-She was a talker, you could never leave her house...not kidding she'd follow you down the drive way!
64-I am the same way, I love to talk
65-I am extremely self conscious
66- I don't like complements
67-I am getting better at accepting peoples nice words
68-I love my business
69-I lay up at night
dreamin' about things I can do, scrapbook
pgs, photos, house decor
70-I have a notebook on my night stand for all of these "project" ideas
71-I am addicted to notebooks it is how I organize my life

72- I have a tattoo
73- I love girlfriends, but it takes a lot for me to actually let people into my life...once I do they are in forever!
74- I wish I was a better friend...luckily I have some great girls that invite me to things over and over even if I say no over and over!
75- When I get offended I have a hard time getting over it
76-I have man hair, seriously...I grow hair where no normal female should be growing hair
78- I have messed up a lot in my life but I would never take anything back
79- I have to learn by experience
80- I have experienced more in my teen years then most people do in their entire lives.
81-I am glad that life has been the way it has, I have a lot of depth in my personality because of it.

82- I still have purple hair...I love it!
86- I don't have patience or understanding for people who pretend that life is perfect, we all have issues, struggles, and faults
birthday parties for my kids, they take months to plan. I am a little weird like that...this years party has been planned since February...(birthdays in June)