I know I was overdue. I could feel it, my body has never stretched to this stage. But not only that I could feel how big she was. I had been dilated to a 5 for 2 weeks, went in to the hospital with full on 3 min apart contractions and they sent me home. As much as that sucked I was ok not having her quite yet. The thought of two babies in the house hit me in January. I had been distracted with single mom life (Justins was working in Texas) and my busy work season, but she was going to come any day and I wasn't really coping with it well. I sat and held McKai and cried, apologized to him. spent as much time as I could with him. Then there was all the house things that needed to be done. Justin needed to build a storage amore' for my scrapbook and crafts to make room for Mckais crib in the room Shayla has been staying in. McKai needed to be moved and have time to adjust to not being in our bedroom. I am going to miss the nightly "Dadda....num num nums" . Kambries crib needed to be refinished, bedding ordered, room rearranged and I still had 5 sessions to edit. Nothing like waiting till the last minute!!
So on the 19th I went in for my check up, according to the newest due date, Jan 27th (it was changed 3 times because having no period and nursing made it nearly impossibly to figure out my due date) I had 8 days left. But because I was measuring huge, I was dilating but not progressing like normal, and her heart rate was lower then he was comfortable with, they sent me right over to the hospital to have a baby. That left Justin trying to find a babysitter for McKai (Shay was in school) and packing my bag to met me at the hospital.
I had time to think, hold my belly and take some pictures of the last view I'd ever have of little person inside of me.

They broke my water at 11:30 and I had a massive about of fluid (the Dr and nurse said 10x the normal amount) and I felt like I had lost 20 lbs.

After that everything happened very quickly. I got my epidural at 12:30, they also started some PIT but just a tiny amount be cause I am allergic to it.

My friend Jen came to help capture her first breaths of life ( I cant take all the pictures) at around 3 , they checked me and she said well...you ready to have a baby? I could have had her right then but they had me wait for the DR thank goodness.
After one push at 3:33 pm Kambrie Joan breathed her first breath of life.

She was placed on my chest and wiped clean. Then they took her and She was checked out by the nurse and weighted.