We were suppose to have all of Justin's family come for Thanksgiving. We were so excited to have everyone here, to visit, catch up and spend time together. BUT the storm (or our "evilness") scared everyone away, by weds everyone had let us know they weren't coming. Macie cried and cried she was so sad and of course we were disappointed! By then all the food was bought, tables were rented and I was freaking out because I don't cook very much! Our old sister in law and her new hubby came to the rescue and came over to help us cook and eat with us. I don't think Thanksgiving could have gone any better, dinner was amazing, we laughed and laughed. Spent the whole day with no problems, no drama. I am glad it turned out so well because I know this is one that my kids will always remember.
Dinner table one-steve elisa kase shayla and tanner

Table two-me, justin, mac, kenzie and macie

Kenzie rebelling. We are a terrible influence on her.

Table settings

Lil' snorter

Tanner and Shayla got really close...it is going to be a long engagement because he leaves on he mission in Feb lol ;)

These guys have nothing on my belly!