The table set up

Place mats are Lego boards, that they used to build on after they ate.

Lego Pizza

One of the prizes. J made these and they are were so cute! I think he could sell them...he made a bigger version of it too...that is where all of Kases Lego's are stored.

Thank you boxes....got them at Ikea...I use these suckers for everything...just happens they work perfectly for the thank yous! I*heart* Ikea!

The buckets of Legos....yes we had BUCKETS of them!
The games....(I found the ideas online)#1Each kid had a card under their plate that said Build something....they were all different, something that floats, flies, doesn't exist. The kids voted on it after and the winner got a prize.
#2Guess how many Legos were in a jar. The winner took the legos home
#3 Tallest fastest tower builder
Then they just built stuff...seriously the calmest party we have done I loved it!

The cake...FYI I am not a CAKE person. This is the part I stress over the most. Oh how I wish I could find someone to hire to do the cake every year :) seriously I have crafty friends doesn't ONE of you do cakes?

I was happy with the results and now I am stumped for next yr! :(