I am the worst sucker for animals. I cant help it if a cat comes around, I want to feed it, if something gets run over I will stop and help it, if we find a hurt bird in our yard I will bring it in our house to help it get better. BUT I need to stop because lately I feel like we live in a zoo.
It all started with Chip.
She started coming around at night, wouldn't come in just wanted food. So I feed her, then one day she came in and hid underneath Kases' bed and hasn't left. She is mellow, doesn't need much so I didn't mind.

Then Justin's brother moved to Texas and just left a cat at his house. crap. I cant let the cat stay there and starve so we brought her home too. Her name is Noodles. 
She doesn't get along with Chip and we hear them fighting all over the house. and she attacked Justin for making fun of her meow noises. I am not kidding she flew threw the air and scratched up him arm.

Then while up north for Christmas my Mom, knowing my weakness asks if I will take her dog for a while. Oh and she also asked this IN front of my kids who beg and beg....I give in. This is Lexi.
Both cats don't like her, that is fun. AND to top it all off Noddles got knocked up and we are suppose to get Lexi preggers. AND we still have our two lizards. It's a zoo I tell ya.