This was suppose to be for his birthday...2 months late but I wanted to post it anyways!
He borrowed a huge jacked up truck for our anniversary cause I don't like sports cars.

I'm his sugar mama and he is my crafty bitch. bawhahahah! Don't worry he thinks it is funny.

He lets me listen to whatever music I like in the car and he thinks I am a good singer...boy is he deaf!
He is tall...I can wear heals and I still feel little around him.

He does let things bug him.... he forgives easily, lets things go. I wish I could be more like him.
He thinks he is funny. He's kinda like the old guy that tells jokes and laughs at himself. Now listening to him laugh ...that is funny.

He helps a ton with the kids, picks up, comes home whatever we need. I am sooo glad to have a husband that helps out.
Together we are far from perfect. We yell, ok really we scream AND we laugh & love each other.

He records and watches Desperate Housewives...for himself not me.
He makes anything...he is working on a desk for me right now. All I have to do is say I like this thing in this store or this catalog and he does it for me. LOVE it!
He has the most beautiful crystal blue eyes...Macie luckily got those eyes too

He loves us...seems obvious but there have been times I have seriously doubted.