I had to edit just one of these, I think I finally got a picture that I can blow up huge for Macie's room. I am so excited, I have to edit them all but I for sure have some keepers....finally! That frame has been done since January :)
I know I am not the only crazy obsessed Twilight Fan out there....Come on who's a fan?
A friend on a message board posted this and I wanted to share. I am only on the 2nd book, I don't have time to read so I have been listening to the 2nd book while I waste my life away editing pictures:) I am sooo excited for the movie. I think they have cast some gorgeous people! Enjoy!http://amhphotography.typepad.com/photos/kalama/index.html
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A new Chore Chart/PositiveReinforcement Idea...
I saw these in a clients home and thought it might be a great way to help remind and reward my kids. I order them off of amazon, it was the only place I could find them that they weren't back ordered. The are Melissa and Doug Magnetic chore charts (if you are wondering) I just got them hung up today, the kids have been excited to use them. I am hoping to just have something that is consistent but I can't do the reminding all the time. I forget to wear underwear some days, serious I need all the help I can get!
All of us getting ready for a fun little bike ride, we got to teach the kids how to use their brakes down hill, you should have heard them screaming in fear. You'd think we were trying to throw them off a cliff or something!
Justin making little water bottle holders for the kids! They gotta have their glasses. I love her stringy blond hair! Just us, I am soo disappointed in my boobie situation, seriously where did they go? I swear I lost 15 lbs just there!
Ok this kinda freaked me out....these are Kase and I's 1st grade pictures side by side. Ewww it is weird to look at, everyone says he looks like me but to have these side by side WOW!
We have this blog to track of our crazy life. We are not perfect, in fact we are quite the mess most days. BUT we try, try to love, try to not scream, try to find our way threw this life and hope in the end we make it!
I am sensitive, crazy, obsessive, addicted, a lover and a fighter, calm, moody, perfectionist, never satisfied, ever changing, loving, nutty, unique, insecure, a night owl, emotional, a mess, a victim, a bully, a control freak, wanting more from life, creative, crazy talent, a bad liar, imperfect, a mommy, a wife, a good friend, a photographer.